Sunday, February 8, 2009

PSA Result

I just received my results from my PSA test and it came back as <0.1 which is what I wanted to see! It means that the surgery seems to be successful and as long as that number stays where it is now, I should not have to worry about Prostate Cancer anymore. They will be checking it every 3 months to keep an eye on it. John

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Follow up with Doctor

I finally got in to see my Doctor for my follow up visit. He said everything seems to be progressing on track. It looks like I will be back to work on the 23rd of February. I had blood drawn for a PSA test and that number should be down to zero or very close to that. It is a indicator if they got all the cancer cells out. I should know in a couple of days what it is. Anyways still doing a lot of walking and eating healthy and getting stronger all the time. The weight restrictions are off so I can start lifting and doing more strenuous exercise. Still working on bladder control issues and I am making progress with that as well. I feel great and miss seeing everyone and can't wait to being back to normal. John

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Trip to San Diego

I stopped in at my work on the way to a Prostate Cancer support group Wednesday morning and was glad I did. It was nice to see everyone and have a bagel that Ken brought in. I didn't get to talk to everyone as I know you are all busy, but will try another trip soon. The support group meeting was interesting as I was able to talk with a number of men who have gone thru the ordeal. I am glad I waited until after the surgery as a number of men had some rather disturbing problems after their surgery. Granted most of them were a lot older than I was when they had it done, and were experiencing problems before. They got a kick out of my inside out depends story, so it ended on a up note. Hope everyone is doing well, John

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

3 weeks since surgery

Time has gone by fast. I am now getting into a routine and recovery is going well. Slow, but progressing. If you ever have to wear Depends, make sure you don't put them on inside out. They don't work that well. On the upside I did have a pad on the bed that got the overflow. It was 1:00 am and I was kind of tired so Mary cut me some slack. Anyways I am out and about most of the day walking a little further each time and tackling some slight hills. I am some what mobile now, the Dr said I can drive which I have taken advantage of on short excursions. Well its time for my morning walk so I better get going, hope to see everyone soon!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Today is Friday and I went out for a haircut due to all the rain. I took the dog for a short walk this morning and all was going good until two strays came after us. Needless to say there is a reason they said to not walk the dog too soon, as she was pulling on the leash and my stomach muscles as well. She was doing real good up until then, so I might try and get her out later with Mary. I walked over two miles yesterday but felt it when I got back. Even slight rises in the road I can feel. One of the big problems with recovery is you try and due too much and injure yourself. I believe it! So I am not trying to overdue it but, you can only watch Ellen and Oprah a few times before you get stir crazy.

No Carry bag!

I forgot I had this picture. This is the day after getting my catheter out. Mary took me for a drive down to the Oceanside Harbor for a little stroll. Needless to say I was still getting a little tired from walking, but it felt great to be outside and not having to carry anything.
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Monday, January 19, 2009

Mary has been great!

Mary goes back to work full-time tomorrow, and I am going to miss all her help! She has been a real trooper and has taken care of all my needs. I love and appreciate all she has done to help in my recovery, and could not do it without her support. I try and help as much as I can but am limited to what I can do. I can't help it if the Doctor said no vacuuming or lifting. Anyways I wanted every one to know it has been a team effort and I welcome all positive thoughts and appreciate them more than you know, John